Dhyanavana celebrated
its 26th convocation day on March 19, 2023, making it a special day.
At 11:00 am, Rev. Fr. George Santhumayor, the Provincial Superior,
Fr. John Sequeira, the Rector of Pushpashrama, Fr Vinod Lobo and the
community friars celebrated the thanksgiving Holy Eucharist. Fr.
John stressed in his homily the importance of divinity in a person's
life, which finally culminates in one’s spirituality.
The convocation ceremony started at 6:00 p.m. in the evening. Mrs.
Clara Fernandes' convocation address on the role of women in
decision-making is also very timely and relevant. Women's
perspectives and voices are important in all aspects of life,
including spirituality and religious leadership. The President, Rev.
Fr George Santhumayor, OCD, Provincial Superior, released the
Dhyanavana Souvenir and congratulated the graduates. The Chief guest
was Archbishop Emeritus Bernard Moras, Apostolic Administrator of
the Diocese of Mysore, who presented the diploma certificates to the
sisters. Fr Dominic Vas, the Director, welcomed everyone, and Fr
Rathan Almeida, Dean of Studies, gave a detailed report on the life
and activities of Dhyanavana.
The sisters, who came from various parts of India, showcased their
talents through cultural dance. This is an excellent way to
highlight various cultures and traditions while also bringing people
together in celebration and appreciation of diversity. It was a
joyful event attended by approximately 250 people, including
priests, religious, benefactors, and friends. Following the program,
everyone was served a meal.