The 25th Diploma course
in Holistic spirituality was inaugurated at Dhyanavana today,
Sunday, July 4th 2021 during the Holy Eucharist. Fr John Sequeria
ocd, Rector of Pushpashrama presided over the Holy mass and
inaugurated the course. Frs. Dominic Vas, Ocd, Director; Fr. Rathan
Almeida, ocd, Dean of Studies; and Fr. Arun bennis, ocd,
Administrator concelebrated at the Eucharist.
Dhyanavana, which means in Sanskrit a “meditation-garden” or better
“the context of God experience”, is aesthetically and artistically
designed to offer a healthy atmosphere and conducive facilities for
the spiritual formation and renewal programme. Since 1997, this
institute has been conducting the long term diploma course of nine
months and other Short-term courses throughout the year, attended so
far by over 6000 religious men and women from India and abroad.
More than 35 courses are offered on various subjects by specialised
professors throughout the year, such as Biblical Spirituality,
Formation to Integral human maturity, Psycho-spiritual maturity and
emotional healing, spiritual life in Theology, Sacraments, Prayer
and Mysticism, Comparative Religious Spirituality and Theology of
Religious life.
Presently there are 18 sisters for the residential course, and many
more have registered and will be joining later. We have also begun
the online classes for them.
Being the silver jubilee year, Dhyanavana is proud to inaugurate
this academic year and impart spiritual and renewal programmes.
Fr. Dominic Vas, ocd