Seminar on Extraordinary Jubilee year of Mercy On 21st February 2016, Dhyanavana International Institute of Spirituality, Mysore in association with CRI ,Mysore and and KRCBC (Karnataka Regional Commission for Formation) organized Seminar at Pushpashram Auditorium , Mysore. The seminar was on “Extra ordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy” on the theme ‘MERCIFUL LIKE THE FATHER’. Around 450 priests and religious attended this seminar belonging to 69 congregations from Mysore diocese. The seminar began at 9.00 AM with arrival and registration. At 9.15 am our Bishop of Mysore Rt.Rev. Thomas Vazhappily Inaugurated the seminar with a short reflection on the implication of mercy on our community life. Symbolically lightening of the lamp was done and then we proceeded to the sessions. All the speakers were highly knowledgeable and very informative in their presentations. The seminar was very useful and reflective. Everyone felt happy and satisfied. Time was also allotted for interactive session. The whole programme was on mercy from different perspective like Biblical dimension of mercy, Theological reflection on mercy, Psychological aspects of mercy and forgiveness and at the end corporal and spiritual works of mercy. These sessions were really motivating the crowd to interact with the resource persons. At the end we concluded with the vote of thanks and high tea at 5 pm.
Address: Dhyanavana,R. S. Naidunagar, Mysore - 570 007, Karnataka State,
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